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Our values

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Gender equality and


FEA considers that everyone, regardless of their situation, gender, origin, age, state of health, abilities, etc. is entitled to equal treatment and non-discriminatory access to rights. However, each individual situation should be taken into account and
propose appropriate solutions so that this equality becomes fully effective. As such, FEA is particularly interested in the intersection between gender/sex and origin, and promotes
a world where women and men have access to the same opportunities, particularly for people who are refugees, migrants or from immigrant backgrounds.

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Solidarity and sisterhood

Aware of the social interdependence between human beings, FEA wishes to promote mutual aid, cooperation and mutual responsibility between people from the same group or between different groups. As such, it mobilizes women towards more sisterhood, but also men to join forces with women in their struggles.

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Social justice for all

FEA considers that the principles of equality and solidarity must be accompanied by
equitable distribution of resources, whether financial, material or cultural, so that each individual acquires and maintains the same chances of success.
This equality of opportunity requires commitment and action from the State to correct the inequalities that appear in the functioning of any society and to ensure that each of its members can develop and flourish.

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Respect and tolerance... except against sexist stereotypes and violence

For FEA, respect consists in accepting others as they are, considering their choices
personal without judgment, and to respect their bodily integrity. Respect is expressed in all daily actions and interactions. This attitude requires showing empathy
and ability to listen, and to grant each other mutual trust and consideration.

FEA respects everyone's freedom of choice and opinion, but nevertheless takes into account legal limits and its commitment to gender equality. It thus combats all sexist stereotypes, and fights against practices that go against women's right to control their bodies (notably
female sexual mutilation, forced and/or early marriage, etc.).

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Openness and working together with partners

FEA values partnership work and opens up to different feminist networks, on migration, national or international, etc. The association draws on the experiences of others
structures, and itself shares its know-how and expertise.
The association develops projects in consortium with other structures in Europe or Africa.

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Freedom and independence of the organization

FEA decides for itself its missions and its actions, without pressure or constraint
external, whether it comes from the government, a donor, an institution or the public.
As part of its projects, it strengthens its target audiences for more independence and
greater freedom of decision.

Notre mission

We need you !

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